14 March 2011

Our Final Days in Siem Reap

Here are a few photos from our last few days in Siem Reap. Enjoy!

Students that I helped teach English to on Monday & Wednesday afternoons-
Sreiliak, Barang, Sreila, & Peroom

Students in my Intermediate 4 English Writing Class-
SreyPove, Sreylin, & Sody

Some of the staff from Common Grounds... and Jude :)

Most of the kids from the Children's Home. Our last day there was a very special one.

A few of the girls...

The Knowles family- Donna, Justin, & Jude

The Martinez family- Caleb, Rachel, Julie

Morgan and Many

Morgan with the night security guard in front of Common Grounds

The sweet people who came to see us off at the airport at 6 in the morning!

In the airport in Siem Reap, waiting to board the plane to head to Singapore.

08 March 2011

Hey Ya'll

We got this footage several months ago and somehow forgot to post it. This one goes out to all of our friends and family in Tennessee and Georgia. :)

26 February 2011

2 Weeks

I can hardly believe that we are 2 weeks away from leaving Cambodia. Morgan and I have been talking a lot lately about how, at the time of our departure from the U.S. back in September, the idea of being gone for 6 months seemed like a really long time. But with our departure date being exactly 2 weeks from today, we've realized what a short amount of time 6 months really is.

One of my good friends, Jaime Butler, sent me an email about a week ago, and she asked me this question: "How would you sum up your time there so far?" In thinking about a worthy enough response to such a loaded question, this is the best summary I can come up: life-changing. But here's the thing... when I say "life-changing", I don't mean it in this really generic way of saying that because of this trip I am not the same person I was when we got here, etc. I cannot necessarily pinpoint these huge areas of my life that are different now on February 27, 2011, than they were on September 22, 2010 (except that now I actually like rice).

In all seriousness though, I don't think it's that simple. Morgan and I have said several times how we're probably really not going to realize how much we've changed until we go back home. Even then, I think time will only tell how this experience in Cambodia will alter the rest of our lives from this point on.

All I really know for certain is that the relationships that Morgan and I have formed with the people over here will cause us to never be the same. But isn't that how life is wherever we are? We meet people, we form relationships with them, and because of those relationships, our lives are changed, for the better or, in some cases, for the worse.

Wherever we find ourselves in life, let us never forget the power that our day-to-day interactions with people have.

09 January 2011

These are a few of our favorite things...

Spending time with the kids.

Playing with our food... ahem, Morgan.

Finding & buying a Good Morning Cambodia t-shirt in the market.

Discovering a flower that smells like a banana. Mmmm...

Having each other on our first Christmas away from home.

Witnessing Peroom's very first Christmas.

Devouring a huge bowl of ice cream with a few of the girls.

Watching Ohio State finally break the SEC bowl game curse. It's. About. Time.

Finding Tostitos in the market. We have never been more excited about chips in our life.

Trying on stuff that we are considering to bring back as souvenirs... this hat just might be yours.

03 January 2011

Update on Rosie

Hello everyone! We hope that you all had a great Christmas and a happy new year.

I know some of you have already heard, but I wanted to give you an update on how Rosie is doing and what we are finding out. For those who have not heard, let me catch you up... Last week Rosie had been experiencing pain in her neck and the back of her head. We assumed this was caused by some sinus pressure. Early in the week she was congested and had a sore throat.

Early Sunday morning, around 1:30am, Rosie woke me up saying we needed to get to the hospital. She was experiencing the head/neck ache much worse than usual. She was also experiencing numbness on the left side of her body. We went to the hospital and had several tests made including an EKG, blood work, and a CT scan. Everything came back normal. The doctor attributed the aches and numbness to tension headaches.

We have since seen some friends our friends in Siem Reap who are doctors from the US. Their diagnosis ended up being a little different. It is now believed that the pain she was experiencing was due to an adverse reaction to MSG. We are hoping this is the case. We have been eating more local Khmer food, looking for a change in our routine. MSG is greatly overused in Khmer food. We are going to eat at safer places for the next several weeks and hopefully see a difference in how Rosie's body responds.

Please feel free to contact us if you want more information.

Much love to all!